This has been a very busy week, the weather was very kind and helped us by sending much needed rain. T forked the land just below the beans, for new okra. He made the holes which I wet before sowing, 3 seeds to a hole, following something I read somewhere recently
"rain or wet,
wet when you set"
The basil sold well in town, T walking and selling, in the build up to Christmas, also the beans which we sold at $3

e.c. per pound. The bottles of sorrel that I made were not so popular but would have sold had I made wine, something to remember for next year, however, we enjoyed drinking them and sharing with
Sunday saw us weeding and clearing close by the river, where the cive, rocket and big thyme are, we also dug up the first of the 'saffron' (turmeric) and put it to dry and T cut back the big

bamboo by the river to allow more light and air to pass through.
Looks like a good harvest, I could do with some fresh beans! Something keeps eating my basil an d greens seedlings so I have none.
Zooms tell T that I sell more plants than veggies when I grew them. He will be amazed how plants sell. LOL I will be afraid to let him come near my garden with his cutlass.
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