Today was close and humid and the thunder began to roll just as I finished weeding the okra and T gave the grass to the cow and her calf.

I peeled the tania and onions whilst T went to the river to fish, returning a few moments later
with enough crayfish for the pot, which he combined with the above, together with dumplings, split peas and basil. It was delicious.

Xena, hating thunderstorms, ran for cover, unimpressed with today's menu.
Hey Zooms nice to see you back. Man you making me hungry for your kind of food. Tell T that am coming to Grenada soon and I want some of that food to eat LOL
Hey island gal..no problem.. he will be delighted :)
YUM. I love crayfish and this sounds like the perfect way to eat them.
well come on down Peggy...everybody welcome xxx
Unlike zena I am very impressed with the menu. You don't get crayfish in Trinidad outside of the country areas.
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